Monday, October 7, 2013

Viewpoints: How should long-term unemployment be tackled? BBC News

I thought this article was really interesting because it exemplified the opinions of multiple different people and how they view solutions to long-term unemployment issues. From the viewpoints of Democrats to the viewpoint of Republicans, solutions can be considerably different. However, no possible solution is better or worse than another; at least progress is being considered and looked into.

Through changes introduced by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, people who collect unemployment for more than two years have to choose between three different options to continue collecting unemployment. Their choices include community work placement, visiting a job center everyday, or taking part in training for work. The fact that people who collect unemployment and government assistance will have to provide for the economy in some way, shape, or form is extremely appealing to me and most likely many others. It provides a way for the economy to be stimulated even when the unemployment rate continues to be at the same level. Also, it is a good way to ensure that people who are unemployed are working towards getting a job. Perhaps this method is more effective than the United State's method of ensuring that Americans who collect unemployment are working or looking for work. Do you think a similar program in the United States would be effective?


  1. In my opinion, that's a great program for long term unemployed people. A concern i would have is how does the government really know that these unemployed people are really putting themselves out there for another job or doing some type of community work?

  2. I really like this idea. It is really a way for people to truly earn their unemployment as opposed to just sitting around and getting it. I think a lot of people would complain but I think that it would dbe good for communities at least, if not the country as a whole.

  3. I think if this were introduced to the US there would be a big uproar. While I do believe that unemployment payments are important, I also know that there are many who abuse the system. I would like to see a similar program in the US. It would dramatically change the system in a beneficial way. I believe that many people would not collect unemployment for as long as they would have previously.
