Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Unemployment rate slips to 7.3%; 169K new jobs USA Today


The article summarizes how the goal for jobs to be created was not met. However, it focuses on the positives that were accomplished through trying to achieve this goal. I think that although the goal was not met, it is still an accomplishment that 169,000 jobs were still created. That enables 169,000 people to go out and begin working (and potentially 169,000 people who will stop collecting government assistance), both of which are positives for the economy.

Many people may see the negative side of this article and the fact that the goal of number of jobs to be created was not met. But, I think it is important to see the positives that did come out of the situation. Even though the goal wasn't reached, there were still a good amount of jobs that were created as a result of attempting. That's the key: doing SOMETHING. If no problems are even attempted to be fixed then no problems will be fixed, it's as simple as that. So while many frown on the "failures" of the government's actions, keep in mind that they are at least attempting to solve the many issues presented in front of them.

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